30 days of lists

I’m big on lists.  HUGE.  I have lists of lists.  I have several on the go right now – my to-do list, packing list for holidays, things I need to buy when I’m away, the online orders I’m waiting for, new SUV checklist and models to test drive.  I think my favourite is the List o’Fun that I’ve made with Jo – all the things we keep saying we need to do but then forget about.  While I love having to-do lists on my phone for the convenience and ease of access, I still do most of my lists on paper.  I get great satisfaction from writing things on and crossing things off on a list and it’s not the same as clicking on a button.

So given the size of my inner list-nerd, it’s no surprise that when I heard of the 30 Days of Lists challenge I was all over it.  I purchased the previous rounds because I love the thought of using them as journaling prompts throughout my scrapbooks, especially as Miss A gets older and can create some of her own lists.

Jo and I did our own challenge last month using one of the previous rounds and it was awesome.  I usually hate January with a passion but this year it was not as bad.  It was partially because we had beautiful weather, but I think it helped having something fun to focus on. Now I’m signed up for the March edition.

I have a folder of emails with all my January answers but I wanted to do something more with them.  The obvious answer is scrapbook them in some way, but I didn’t really want a full 12×12 album devoted to this or to put it in our family albums.  Enter the 6×8 album size – it’s perfect!  I got this Project Life album from Michaels, and a combination of the 3 and 4 pocket 6×8 pages.

I used the Amy Tan Cut and Paste mini kit for my January pages, and my pages for March are already set up using cards from the Jade core kit, so once the challenge starts, I can document my lists right in my album. 

Anyone else out there listing in March?


First pocket pages

My first venture into pocket page scrapbooking was with my daughter’s first year album – this is what got me hooked.  I used the Baby for Her core kit, patterned paper and coordinating American Crafts cardstock.



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After Miss A’s first year album was done, I began catching up on pictures I hadn’t yet scrapbooked.

Pictures of my childhood dog – using the Project Life Dogs theme kit.


New Year’s Eve 2010 – Cobalt core kit.


A pregnancy page – Blush core kit



Traditional scrapbook pages

Here’s some of my traditional 12×12 scrapbook pages.  It’s neat to see how my style changed through the years.  Even as a traditional scrapbooker, my style was simple.  Lots of cardstock, not a ton of embellishments, and an attempt to get several pictures per page.  I think that’s what really attracted me to the idea of pocket scrapbooking.

Creative Memories-style page, done in 1999 or 2000.  Complete with Mrs. Grossmans sticker sneezes!


My move to 12×12 toploading pages.


One of the few times I ever used stamps.


Eyelet embellishments and color-blocking templates.  I used those templates a TON.


Patterned paper and acrylic painted chipboard letters.



My Scrapbooking Process

Prior to starting pocket scrapbooking , I would do my pages in an orderly fashion – decide on pictures, coordinating cardstock, patterned paper and embellishments, do my layout then complete the journaling.  I continued with this kind of process when I did my Project Life baby album – I picked out pictures and cards for a layout, then did my journaling.  It was a bit easier for this album because I was using one kit only so my card choices were limited.

I mentioned in an earlier post that my big AH-HA moment from watching Creative Live was the idea of batch processing.  Rather than approaching it a layout at a time, you take the time you have to scrapbook and work on a specific step in the process.

I did a few pocket layouts working from A to Z but I found it frustrating.  So the last time I worked on my album, I decided to try the batch process idea to finish my pages from August to December 2012.  I’d already printed all my pictures for this time period, taking advantage of a Costco sale.  I spent a few hours going through my photo albums, pulling out pictures that I wanted to use.  Once I had the pictures in a stack, I went through and put them in the photo pocket pages.  Right now, I’m working on going through and adding cards to the pages.  I find it easier to do it this way rather than dealing with cards and pictures at the same time.  Once I have all the cards in the pockets, I’ll go back and do my journaling.

This is working really well for me, and I can see that it’ll be something that I continue.  It really helped me narrow down what pictures I wanted to use.  Also, because I’m using multiple kits now, it seemed to make things go more smoothly.

Going forward, here’s how I see batch processing working for me.

  • I’m going to take a night a month to decide on keeper pictures, do any editing, and then upload for printing or send then to be printed.
  • Once they’re printed, rather than putting them all in storage albums, pulling them out then putting them in my albums, they’ll just go straight into the pocket pages.
  • Insert cards into pages, and embellish.  That’s something I want to do a bit more of.
  • Do my journaling.

And now…some pictures?

I’ve blabbed a lot about my scrapbooking, so the next logical step is that I should share some pictures.  Buuuuut…

I’ve had to think long and hard about posting layouts including pictures of Miss A.   I have no problems sharing my own photos, but I personally believe there’s a balance needed between sharing things about my girl and her right to privacy.

Like many out there, I use Facebook on a regular basis, and post status updates and photos of her there.  My privacy settings are friends only, and I mentally run any kid-related status updates or photos through a “would this end up on STFU, Parents” filter?  There are certain photos and stories which, while hilarious, have no place other than within our family and a close group of friends.

On the other hand, if I’m going to share any of my pocket scrapbooking layouts, then 95% of the pages I’m doing are going to contain pictures of Miss A.

So I’ve come to the decision that I’m going to start posting some layouts.  I can always blur out faces and cover up journaling that I don’t want to be made public, and that’s probably what I’ll end up doing.

A weekend of scrappy goodness!

It’s late and I should be in bed but I’ve been on a scrappy high all weekend and wanted to share the details.

Earlier in January, two new Becky Higgins core kits were announced – Strawberry and Azure.  I was in LUUURVE with Strawberry from the few pictures I’d seen.  My bestie Jo quite liked Azure but I wasn’t totally sold on it.   Scrapbookers Inner Circle started pre-orders mid-January, and my order shipped on Tuesday.  I live fairly close to the distribution centre, so I had it in my hands Thursday afternoon.

Then on Tuesday, Becky Higgins announced another kit – Kiwi – that was going to be exclusive to Joanns in the US.  As soon as it was announced, I found out SIC was bringing it in for the international market and she actually had it in stock!  Pounced on that right quick, it shipped Wednesday and was here Friday.

Jo came over Friday to split up the kits with me and admire all the pretty cards.  I was right to be in love with Strawberry and Kiwi, and was surprised to find I liked Azure.  I don’t think it will be a go-to like the other two, but I can see myself using it on occasion.

Saturday was an awesome day.  Tammy from SIC hosted an all-day online crop that I signed up for.  I was all set up and organized to start at 9 am, but I ended up puttering around organizing my new stuff for the first while.  By the end, I was happy to have finished putting cards into 18 pages – I’d already  inserted the pictures.  More than anything, I loved chatting with the other ladies at the crop – from across Canada, as well as from England and Sweden.  The wonders of the Internet!  Plus, Miss A let us put pigtails in her hair for the first time and actually sat still long enough for me to get some cute pictures of her so that was the cherry on top.

Tonight was my first monthly photo organization night that I’ve planned this year.  I got both our cell phones and the camera and downloaded all of January’s pictures.  They’re renamed, edited, backed up, and of the 73 in my folder, only 37 got uploaded to print.  I think that I’m going to like this system.

And more Miss A being adorable – during the crop, she came downstairs and sat on my lap, asking to look at my pictures.  This afternoon, I asked her what she wanted to do, and she kept saying something that I couldn’t figure out.  Finally I got it . “I want to do cards” – she loves doing crafts and is obsessed with my PL cards!  I can’t wait for the day that she wants to do her own scrapbook!


Photos – Kiwi Core Kit

Although the Kiwi kit is an exclusive to Joanns in the US, Scrapbookers Inner Circle was able to get the rights to distribute it internationally.  When Becky Higgins announced the kit on Tuesday, Tammy announced it shortly afterwards, and she already had it in stock!  I ordered it right away and it was at my door Friday afternoon.

Kiwi is also super fun and bright.   I can’t decide whether I like it or Strawberry better.  They’re definitely both some of my favourite kits.  I forgot pictures of the bifolds – sorry!

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Photos – Strawberry Core Kit

So we in the Great White North have managed to get our hands on the new Becky Higgins core kits already!  This NEVER happens.  Seriously.

I’ve done some quick pictures of the new core kits – they’re unedited and not the best but at least it gives people an idea of what the new kits look like.

Strawberry – soooo gorgeous!  It’s bright and happy and makes me smile.

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